Free Subscriptions to SANTE Magazine (Abbonnement Libre - Bevrijden Abbonnement) - no games and no bills - click the Sante' magazine at right and get yours now in your home - each month for free! Chef Marti appears on TV Brussels Cooking on the "Von Curry tot Maniok" TV show, chef Marti appeared with host Marc Boutsen in February with a history and story about New Orleans and Jambalaya. In other regions, re-runs can be watched on the "Vitaya" TV station. USAi agrees to be bought out by the Jessie Lewis School of Cooking in Europe! Equipment sold and further transfer of academic material, programs and more to occur in April. Please stay tuned for the exciting news. If you have heard of or know Jessie then you love her school already. The current 140 students will continue on and migrate with more as expansion continues. Go gettem' Jessie! Speech delivered to Art Institute of America, Denver, Colorado, Culinary Arts School - by Chef Marti - the largest Institute in the United States of America. 2003 Wine Cruise of the Pacific a resounding success of food, wine and fun!
The school donated labor
and time, for free, on Saturday the 8th of February for an
evening's wine cruise of the Pacific calling at vineyards from
January 25th was our Japanese Mochi Pounding, Sushi School and Sake Tasting Festival. The Sushi school was from Japan, Hawaii and California. This class was translated simultaneously in the English, Japanese, French, Spanish and Flemish languages. The ceremonial pounding of Mochi (rice) with massive wooden hammers and other Japanese and Pacific customs occurred. We celebrated the customs of Japan. Did you join us to learn how to eat Sushi, Sashimi and Mochi as well as how to make it! It's was a day of fun and excitement!!! The cost to enter was 6 Euro. This event and the school was featured in The Bulletin magazine. Our new school year and American Cooking Club opened for the 2003 semester. And what fun we have! Amateur cooks and chefs as well as professionals join together for fun, learning and sharing each month. You attend more or less as you can fit it into your schedule! On October 5th we planned out some famous dishes from the state of Maryland. Our goal is to show you how to do it, the American way - with local ingredients purchased here in Europe. Going to the Delhaize, GB or Rob is where you shop and since the dollar is almost equal to the Euro - we empower you to find the path to cooking true American Regional Cuisine, at it's best, by shopping locally. It was off to Maryland and a study of the famous "blue" crabs, crab cakes, "Old Bay" seasoning, corn on a stick, hushpuppies and the farmlands of the state. Pork Chop's with Catoctin Mountain Apple Glaze and Fried Potatoes and everything is always explained and then made by the students and club friends! Click our graphics below for expanded sized views: Our last class, and club meeting, of the school year for 2001-2002 was on July 6th! That was a Saturday (usually always the first Saturday of the month) and it started at 1300 (1 p.m. - that's typical for us). Three new ladies, Marianne, Susan and Missi joined us for an American style BBQ cookery class, taught live on the grill and it was exciting! It was held at students Kevin and Cheryl's home (not at St. Anthony's this time). That was a first for us and a lot of fun! One exciting item we discovered and enjoyed is the famous "Chicago Dog." Most often this is called the "Chi-dog" and is famous all over Illinois and the Great Lakes area. Of course we looked up a few items our text book (someone brought up the origin of hominy and grits!) and had fun as well with a cool Watermelon Malibu drink made with shaved ice! We said goodbye to Cheryl and Kevin, as they are headed back to America soon - they were a fun couple to share and laugh with and both are great chefs! A special thanks to Cheryl for her wonderful pecan tart and Florida Lemon Meringue cake. And we had Chef Marti carve up a beautiful Watermelon Viking Ship filled with blackberries, fresh cherries, kiwi, watermelon balls, hand cut mango chunks and white seedless grapes June 8th, 2002 was another fun class for our cooking club of friends. We meet in a friendly atmosphere and like to laugh. We were studying and cooking Floribbean Cuisine. This is the cuisine of Florida fused with the Caribbean! Yes, it's called fusion cuisine and it's invigorating and fun. Lots of flavors combine like fresh fruits and lemons and limes. As always, we meet at 1300 in Kraainem for laughs and some American wine tasting (non-snobby). Club members and students were making a Ceviche of Scallops with a Floribbean Slaw (page 148 in our textbook). For folks who did not care for raw seafood we will also had Chef Marti sauté a few Scallops. Then it was off to a wonderful....read more Cinco de Mayo was celebrated on May 11th, 2002! Students joined the cooking club for an excellent and famous Tortilla Soup with Mole de Pollo. Dozens of fascinating Southwest and Mexican ingredients were shown and explained. Students with textbook/cookbook (not required but recommended) consulted pages 285 and 303 for applicable recipes and photos. And of course, we sampled American wines and physically worked with food and tastings...read more now...
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